Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Food Hospital

Quick update on my weight loss: I got into the 170s today, 179.5 to be exact. I decided yesterday morning to spend the next three days following my 1200 calorie plan very carefully. My husband and daughter are out of town until Monday so I won't have food temptations as much. So far, so good.

One of my favorite channels is The Cooking Channel. Tonight, I was hesitant to turn it on since I've eaten so little the past few days. I worried that seeing all of the beautiful recipes would make me crave food. But it turned out that there is a new show I've never seen before called The Food Hospital, and it has actually helped enforce the better food choices I've made. If you've never seen it, make it a point to check it out. It's been absolutely fascinating to see how these physicians are experimenting with using food as medicine for various diseases and health issues.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”-- Hippocrates

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