Monday, February 4, 2013

Food Got the Best of Me Today

I promised you all truthfulness. Although I may not have totally blown it calorie-wise today, I definitely neglected to follow my rules and let food get the best of me. Last night I skipped a few invitations to Superbowl parties because I knew that if I went, I would eat chicken wings and other fun party food and have a couple of beers. So I opted to stay home, ate a nice 300 calorie dinner and then stopped eating for the night. Only I had a little problem washing dishes. The garbage disposal got clogged and the sink backed up. After dinner I spent a couple of hours off and on trying to plunge the drain, mopping up the water that seeped through the cupboard. Everything under the cupboard was drenched in disposal sewage. The dishwasher was full of standing water too. I ran a couple of errands after work including picking up medicine for my sick daughter. My wallet wasn't in my purse all day so I had to come home to pick it up before going back to the grocery. Only thing, no wallet anywhere to be found. And the clogged drain was sitting there just as I had left it last night, with a few more unwashed dirty dishes added to the pile. A raw steak was on the counter and the charcoal grill which had been lit two hours earlier was burned out. I made my daughter a bite to eat but skipped eating to work on the drain, driving to the drug store twice for different chemicals. The sink project involved me unscrewing a P-trap, spilling chemicals all over my hands and arms, saturating the kitchen floor. I took a few minutes to call my banks and cancel credit cards before eating dinner: a chunk of cheddar cheese, two Oreos, a bottle of Red Hook IPA and a small bag of Lay's potato chips. Here are the rules I know that I broke in a fleeting moment of frustration and despair. Here are the big rules I clearly broke:  don't eat your feelings, don't drink your calories and  don't let yourself get so starving that you'll eat whatever is in sight. It's 8:30 pm now and I'm going to bed because staying up will end up with me getting more overwhelmed and frustrated and I'll likely continue to consume more mindless, empty food and drinks.

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