Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Definition of Insanity

in·san·i·ty  /inˈsanitē/

:  doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result."

This is the 15th year I've been on a diet. This time, I've broken the cycle of repeating my same old mistakes. Two of my biggest mistakes over the years have been 1) getting confident after some results and letting down my guard (leading to total failure and throwing in the towel) and 2) breaking the pattern of eating well and exercise because of a change in my routine, such as illness or vacation.

Both mistakes almost just happened. I reached the 20-pound weight loss mark last week AND came down with a cold the next day. Three days of no exercise and two nights of binging on junk food followed and -- sure enough -- my 177 success quickly changed back to a 181. So I decided to fight back and reclaim my victory. I know that if I don't get strictly back on track immediately I will lose valuable ground. Yesterday went well and today has to so far. I plan to go to bed early tonight to catch up on some rest and to avoid mindlessly tossing in extra calories.

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