Weekly Challenger Wellness

Dear Weekly Challenger Readers:

Thank you! I am so glad you've decided to join the 2013 challenge. As I'm writing this introductory letter I am thinking about all of the times I've tried to diet and exercise alone. It has been a lonely struggle. In many other aspects of my life I feel successful -- family, college, career. The area of health and fitness has never seemed like an attainable challenge until now.

Your participation can be whatever you want it to be, from simply reading the newspaper column or blog or adding your feedback to this site. You can add your name if you wish or be anonymous too. Please be assured that your name or contact information will be kept 100% confidential and safe unless you tell me very specifically to post it.

As I start to hear from readers, I will post diet, exercise and tracking information to help you go through the same steps I'm taking.

Stay tuned! This will be your year!

-- Dee

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