Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Muscle Memory

There was a health fair at my work today and one of the wellness experts told me something interesting I didn't know. I mentioned that losing weight seems to take so much concentrated effort. To lose two pounds, takes about five days of strict discipline but I can gain two pounds just by overeating for an hour. He said this is due to muscle memory and that your body gets to a place that it wants to naturally gravitate back to. That makes a lot of sense. For a long time my weight was stuck at about 197, then I had a week of proper food and exercise where I couldn't get past 191 and then 187 and then 181. I'm still at 181 today even though I had reached my February goal of 177 earlier this month. He told me the key is to just keep on going and not let the "ups" bother me. That's the plan. I'll keep going and pay attention to muscle memory.

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