Saturday, January 26, 2013


OK guys, I vowed to be truthful. This month has been full of success but I absolutely blew it tonight by falling into a trap. Here's what happened. I ate a nice bowl of oats. For lunch, some white chicken chili...all good. I started painting my daughters room which was actually a bit of a work out. By 6:00 pm I was ready for a break in painting so I jumped in the car to find a quick bite to eat. I drove through Taco Bell for a taco and some pinto beans. Not the end of the world, yet. I logged the junk food into my calorie counter and was still right on track. But a few hours later, after failing to eat regular solid food throughout the day, I went too long without eating -- a diet disaster struck and I have since spent the last four hours eating a small container of hummus, handsfull of Wheat Thins and a half a package of Thin Mints. Dang! I bit of sugar turned a lot of discipline into a mess of mindless snacking. So as I right this blog tonight, I know what tomorrow needs to be -- right back into the saddle. I'll keep you posted.

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