Monday, January 28, 2013

Tell Me What Works

The idea behind this wellness challenge is to make it collaborative, interactive, and a mutually supportive network. Over the past few weeks I've spoken with friends and co-workers about my goal and many people have shared stories of the eating plans that have worked for them. One co-worker and her daughter have had some great success with Weight Watchers. A man I work with swears by eating based on your blood type. I really don't think there is a one-plan-fits-all diet. After all, it's really not a diet but a lifestyle change. We all lead very different lives, varied food tastes (I happen to love everything unfortunately), and have extremely different personalities. For me, tracking things and journaling is a great daily task. It would drive my husband nuts. I could pretty much live without sweets except on rare occasions. Other people would rather have dental surgery than bear the thought of a sugar-free life. Please post your comments on the tips and tricks that have worked best for you.

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