Friday, January 25, 2013

First Five Tips

I'm figuring this wellness thing out. The bottom line, simply put, is net calories. Calories in minus calories has to be below zero for weight loss. As simple as the equation sounds, making this happen daily can be tough. Here are my best tips on how to achieve this as painfully as possible:

  1. take things one day at a time
  2. if necessary, take things one hour at a time
  3. all calories are not created equally, focus on fruits and veggies and avoid starches and refined food
  4. don’t let your body trick your mind into thinking it is going to starve, hunger in the evening is a good thing
  5. hunger is sometimes thirst, drink full glasses of water throughout the day

Most importantly – hang in there! The first three days are really hard because you are making big changes. The rest of the first week gets easier. By the second week you start to think differently about food. You’ll have some established “go to” foods that you incorporate every day. Mine are apples, blueberries, strawberries, almond milk, salmon, chicken, hummus, peppers, ground turkey, Greek yogurt. Then, by the third week, the new habit will start to set in and feel normal. I’m at the end of my third week now, 11 pounds lighter, more energetic, not craving chicken wings. You CAN do this!


  1. Thank you for reminding me that hunger is somethimes thirst...I will work on that one this week.

  2. Hi. Thanks for reading the blog. Another thing about hunger. As you'll see by today's blog, hunger is sometimes overwhelming. I read a great book by Bob Harper (from Biggest Loser) called "Skinny Rules" and one of the rules is to go to bed hungry. I have to remember that if I've eaten well all day and think I'm starving before bed, it's OK. It's slightly uncomfortable but slightly hungry is a good thing.


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