Sunday, January 27, 2013

Green Drink

Eating at the restaurant my daughter works at after church was challenging. I chose to get a cheeseburger and eat only half of it. Calorie-wise, it wasn't a total cheat but the greasy food left me feeling kind of lethargic. I haven't been eating this type of food all month and my stomach isn't used to it. Dr. Oz announced a new Green Drink that I've been wanting to try so tonight's dinner seemed like a good time to start. The taste of the drink is not bad at all because it has fruit in it. At first, I didn't care for the texture because it was room temperature and pretty thick. I re-blended my drink with a few ice cubes and it was 100% better. It is loaded with vitamins and fiber and should help me feel great for another good week of healthy eating starting tomorrow. Check back later this week to read about the difference between drinking smoothies made with fruits and veggies versus juicing...very interesting!

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