Wednesday, January 16, 2013

External Forces

I knew when I started my weight loss challenge that I would have to eventually discuss the difficulty of confronting outside forces. I didn't know it would be on Day 10. While walking to microwave my fake lasagna with fat-free ricotta and zucchini instead of noodles, I walked by a table of desserts in our break room. My veggie dish didn't taste nearly as good as the almond danish would have but I ate it anyway. A wonderful co-worker then stopped by with a batch of chocolate-peanut butter cookies. To remove the temptation I quickly re-gifted my cookie to my boss.

Since I started eating better this month, I've had some trouble avoiding some of my favorite foods when they are all around. One bit of encouragement I can give you is that your tastes will change. My favorite not-so-healthy foods are salty/crunchy things. For the first few days of the diet, I would have paid $50 for plate of loaded potato skins with sour cream. But a funny thing happened last weekend as I was loading my van with a huge amount of groceries. I dug through the bags to find the apples, washed one, and ate it on the drive home. I actually craved a piece of fruit. When I looked at the pastries, I could actually imagine how I would feel after I ate one. The first bite or two would have tasted great, but after that the food really doesn't do much for me. So skipping it and moving on to what I needed to eat really wasn't that hard.

Just realize that unhealthy choices are going to be everywhere, always. Expect them, be prepared with a "hurricane preparedness kit." Pack your own snacks to have around, eat something healthy before you go somewhere where you'll be tempted to indulge in junk food. You're in a battle with the food the outside world has conveniently placed in your path -- suit up in your armor every day!

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