Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Journey of a Thousand Miles

Remember having overwhelming school assignments? The insurmountable science fair project or year end book report. There are times when I have much less time than tasks and times when I feel overwhelmed that I'll never accomplish a goal (like losing 50 pounds). One thing that I know to be true is that starting is the hardest part. For some crazy reason, our minds play games with us. We agonize incessantly over the chore, task, assignment, project -- defeating ourselves before we've started. So tonight I managed to get another two miles in. For athletes, walking two miles sounds trivial but to me, it's a great start at a new lifestyle. First half mile I was short of breath. Next mile felt pretty good...not easy but not hard. For the last half mile, I wished my car was closer. During this last part of the walk I decided the topic for this blog. I remembered something that all of my failed diet attempts have had in common -- the beginning of the diet is the hardest part. My mind actually tricks me into thinking that 1) if I don't eat cheese I'll die, 2) hunger pains are so uncomfortable and I don't like discomfort 3) I'll start at the first of the month, or on a Sunday, or on a Wednesday... 4) if I had different workout clothes I could exercise but I don't so I can't. So remember to just do SOMETHING! Anything. Just start. "A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step." Lao-tzu, Chinese Philsopher 604 BC-531 BC

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