Thursday, January 31, 2013

One Month Recap

Today marks the end of my first month of the wellness challenge. My goal was/is to lose 10 pounds each month for January through May. I am happy to say that I reached the goal for this month, barely, but I made it. I've learned some things this month...eating really, really well has often resulted in a half-pound weight loss in a day. Slightly overeating for a day, can add a pound! It shouldn't, because technically it takes an extra 3500 calories to equal an extra pound of fat. But from my experience, I've found that it really doesn't take much to derail a lot of hard work. It reminds me of college. I had pretty good grades but failed one accounting class. That F did some serious damage to my overall GPA and I had to work very hard to make up for it. The other two things that have impacted my success or lack of success this month are drinking water and exercise. If I eat well, but skip those other two components of the plan, my weight stays stagnant. It takes all three -- the right foods/calories, exercise and water. And finally, I've learned that losing weight, getting healthy, is as much a mental challenge as a physical one. In fact, it's more mental than physical. A person's body would survive for more than a month on just water. But your body will lie to your brain. It will tell you that hunger means "better eat something, we're starving to death, hurry, eat, now!" Don't believe yourself, you can do this! Tomorrow is February 1st and my goal for the month is to go from 187-177. See you tomorrow.

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